Today I continue my descent into no-lifedom. I have only done what the truly lovelorn, lost souls do.
I played World of Warcraft.
I have previously played a bit with my brother however now I have my own character, a level 7 Draenai, and I have truly hit the bottom. However the crazy thing is that WoW is so much fun! I played for two hours this morning and it went by in a heartbeat. I felt kind of guilty about killing those Blood Elves though. That's low even for a big blue horned warrior with a massive sword that I looted from, get this... a crab.
But on the reality side, my best friend called and I caught up on her news. However her life is quite similar to mine and so we ended up giving in to our innate nerdiness and discussed plans for a huge Harry Potter movie marathon to coincide with the final film's release. Beats nightclubbing, in my opinion. But after this call I feel more like a person with a vague social life, so kudos to me!
In two weeks I begin Law School and my life will become more footed in reality. I'm not sure how I'll deal with it. It does not help my outlook that my aforementioned best friend is attending medical school on a totally different campus and I'm stuck on my campus ex-boyfriend. Let joy be unconfined.
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