Monday, March 21, 2011


So I have a question. Why can TV make you believe in love more than love does?

TV love makes my heart warm, my limbs relax and buzz and just generally makes me happy. The hope you get from TV love is real, dammit, no matter how misguided it may be. I just saw the Glee episode with THAT know which one I'm talking about. Who'da thought two guys kissing could be so hot and sweet at the same time. It was a perfect moment and guess what? My heart warmed. My limbs buzzed. Etc. Etc.

Contrast this to the feelings that personal romantic disasters bring me. Cringiness, regret, guilt, frustration. And you'd think romantic possibility would feel great, right? Not even close. That comes with awkwardness and helplessness and the feeling of: Why am I even bothering when this will all end in tears?

And then TV love makes you believe in love again. So you try real love again. And it ends in tears. It's a vicious cycle. Do you reckon we'd even bother to try again after our first major break-up if it wasn't for TV? I'm not an expert in romance, I've only ridden that crazy-fast, sickening merry-go-round twice (just FYI, both times ended in....ding ding ding! That's right, folks, it's tears!)

So after that ridiculously convoluted preamble I'm actually going to try and answer one of my questions for once.

I think TV love makes me believe in love more than real life because it's serialized. It's compartmentalized. If you're favourite couple breaks up, you can always watch a previous episode in which they were happy. And just for the time between the opening and closing credits, it's all ok again. It's segregated from the rest of the mess.

Life doesn't work like that at all. You can't separate the messy bits so much. In my mind, the love gets all lumped in with the lies. There's no memory compartment marked "good stuff." As soon a a relationship breaks, it has to have always been broken. If you dwell too much on the good bits then you fall into 'wanting them back.' That works for fictional couples, you can pine all you want and it won't change what the writers did. But you'll always feel that maybe you could have/should have saved the real relationships and that's worse.

So what's the bright side of this? What's the bit that we can learn from TV love and apply to reality to make it a little brighter? Right now, I don't know. I've got nothing. Can't quite find a reason to stay in real life and not just jump into the TV. TV couples don't have to risk anything for love, because it's formulaic. They will get together if they're risking something, because that means that the producers are playing with you for a while before giving you what you want.

So what's so great about real life on this one? Don't know. I'll get to the warm-fuzzy stage of a relationship with some poor idiot and then I'll let you know.

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