I was left pretty thrown after Glee the other day. Brittany and Santana was NOT a couple I'd seen coming. I knew people shipped them but I thought it was kinda like shipping Hermione/Ginny; fun to think about as a hypothetical but NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
Brittany and Santana had had sexual encounters that I had no idea about thanks to Australian television networks censoring same-sex kissing. That scene in 'Duets' where they make out and Brittany ends up feeling rejected and it sets her on the course of going out with Artie? Well the Ten Network decided I was too delicate to see that and as a result the whole Brittany/Artie thing never made alot of sense. Thank you very much Ten. I would like to point out that they kept in the scene of Brittany preparing to *word that rhymes with duck* Artie later and practically showed Finn fondling Rachael in 'Grilled Cheesus'. Censorship committees are so homophobic.
But even if I'd known about that incident, I reckon this still would have seemed left field. I read up on it and saw a long list of clues that people had noticed and it yet it still wasn't sitting right with me. Santana went from a very bitchy kind of bully one week, who tried to break up Finn and Rachael, and then suddenly she was the one we should all feel sorry for because she had confusing feelings for Brittany.
So I was like: "Wait, what? Really? Those Brittana shippers weren't crazy?"
And then they talked to Holly Holliday and sang that song together and the answer came that Brittana shippers were actually kind of brilliant. THEY were the Ron/Hermione shippers of the Glee world and I was the Harry/Hermione shipper who missed the Big Damn Anvil.
And yes, that song they sang made me cry. How could it not? Did you see Santana's face, it would've broken your heart. Especially the lines:
Well, I've been afraid of changing
cos I've built my life around you.
So in the end I thought 'meh', and I let that scene convert me. Any couple that can make me cry just by singing and looking at each other deserves my shipping energy. And I never got Artie/Brittany anyways.
On a finale note, that song the Warblers did in Glee was the most ridiculous and over-the-top numbers ever on Glee. I mean, spraying bubbles in a warehouse and dancing around? Seems porn-esque! Where'd they get a huge bubble hose? Where'd they get a warehouse?
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